Saoirse Mejia
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About Me

personal bio. philosophy.



Saoirse Mejia lives in Northwestern Montana with her husband and two children. She has worked professionally in the healing arts since 2008, and has led energy healing trainings since 2012. Her extensive studies, trainings and certifications include: energy healing/bodywork, Shamanism/Animism, breathwork, Cacao ceremony, Tea ceremony, direct-voice channeling, 500 hour Yoga teacher training and End-of-Life doula/Death Midwife.

Saoirse’s focus has shifted to living close to the land and honing traditional skills via homesteading. She is deeply committed to anchoring the frequency of Love on this planet for todays children and for future generations.

In order to commit more fully to her Seasonal Wheel offerings and Oracle Readings, Saoirse is not offering private healing sessions or energy healing trainings at this time.



Humanity is in the process of a massive awakening that will change the way we live forever. We are being asked to let go of what doesn’t work (and what never worked well in the first place). Heirarchical, power-over structures are crumbling - you may have noticed that the “Healing/Spiritual” realm is not exempt from this implosion. My offerings are provided with the intent of empowering your own authority. You are sovereign, you are powerful, you are free. You have the ability to heal yourself and to help others heal too. A beautiful and bright new future is emerging for us now if we choose it.

We are being called now to remember our blessing for this life, and to sing it forth. May we walk together in kindness, with our eyes open and our hearts forward. May we live in balanced reciprocity with ourselves, with eachother and with the Nature.

Only Love,

Saoirse (pronounced SEER-sha)
