Saoirse Mejia
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Virtual Gatherings

circles. trainings. journeys.


Upcoming Events

Heartspace: Journey into the Magical World of Cacao

Sundays, April 2, 16, 23, 30, May 7 2023

Join ceremonialist Saoirse Mejia for a 5-week virtual course where you will learn about the magical world of ceremonial Cacao! This course will be 5 live zoom calls complete with lecture, sharing, supportive practices along with 4 bonus pre-recorded animal-themed Cacao journeys to keep you active in your ritual practice during the 5 weeks. Every Sunday (except Easter Sunday) for 5 weeks you will immerse yourself in the healing, loving energies of this heart-opening plant medicine, while also strengthening your personal practice and sharpening your group facilitation skills.

  • Sundays from 10 - 12 Pacific Time: April 2, 16, 23, 30 and May 7 2023 (*We skip Easter Sunday)

  • Cost: $420 (or $360 if you register before 3/2/23). PayPal “pay later” payment plan available for both options. If you don’t get approved for PayPal pay later then reach out to me to work out a payment plan direct.

  • Location: 5 Live Classes via Zoom, (yes they will be recorded)

  • Please include your email address and your mailing address in your registration/purchase as additional information and materials will be both emailed and mailed to you.


6 Week Shamanic Journey Circle

August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and September 5

Please join me for a 6 week journey circle where we will explore the teachings of specific animals and their energetics. Each of the 6 live gatherings will include a robust opening meditation, an animal teaching, a drum-led Shamanic journey and integration. In addition to these 6 live gatherings you will also receive 6 pre-recorded journeys to enjoy in your own time, totaling 12 animal journeys over the course of the 6 weeks. This class will be limited to 12 participants. The gatherings will be recorded so you don’t have to attend live unless you want to - however it is suggested that you attend as many lives as you can to receive the full benefit of the container we will be weaving, and to participate in the integrations. No previous journey work experience required - this container will be deep for both the beginner and the advanced practitioner.

  • Mondays, August 1st - September 5th from 10 am - 12 pm Pacific Time

  • Cost: $208 paid in full, or two payments of $120

  • Location: Live via Zoom

  • Please include your email address in your registration/purchase as additional pre-recorded material will be emailed to you


Within the Void of Darkness: A Winter Solstice Gathering

December 19, 2021

Please join me Sunday, December 19th for a virtual gathering celebrating the Winter Solstice! The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year; a time when we experience the most darkness. This turn of the seasonal wheel invites us into our own personal time of fallow, where we are be guided by stillness, quiet and solitude. Led by the element of Earth, we will be exploring the cardinal direction of the North, and the teachings offered there. This event includes a robust opening prayer/meditation, a seasonal wheel teaching, a Shamanic journey, and a ritual teaching designed to support you through the Winter months. Please see the details below and email me at with any questions.

  • Sunday, December 19: 2 pm - 3:30 pm Pacific Time

  • Cost: $30 ($15 for those experiencing financial hardship)

  • Location: Zoom

  • Pre-registration required


Crossing the Threshold: A Samhain Gathering

october 30, 2021

Please join me for a virtual gathering to celebrate the Celtic cross-quarter holiday of Samhain! Samhain falls between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. This particular turn of the seasonal wheel brings with it the potent energies of initiation and magic as we deep into the darker portion of the year. It is a time for us to express our gratitude and respect to the ancestors who gave us life. This event includes an opening prayer/meditation, seasonal wheel teaching, drum journey and ritual teaching for you to incorporate into your personal practice.

  • Saturday, October 30, : 2 pm - 3:30 pm Pacific Time

  • Cost: $30 ($15 for those experiencing financial hardship)

  • Location: Zoom

  • Pre-registration required

Inward Turning: An Autumn Equinox Gathering

September 19, 2021

Please join me Sunday, September 19 for a virtual gathering to celebrate the Autumn Equinox. The Autumn Equinox is a time when the earth experiences a fleeting moment of balance; of equal parts light and dark. As Fall progresses, it brings with it shorter days and lengthened nights, encouraging us to trade “doing” for “being”. This particular turn of the seasonal wheel invites us to turn towards our inner landscape and embrace the energies of Nature’s glorious exhalation. This event includes an opening prayer/meditation, seasonal wheel teaching, drum journey and ritual teaching for you to incorporate into your personal practice.

  • Sunday, September 19: 2 pm - 3:30 pm Pacific Time

  • Cost: $30 ($15 for those experiencing financial hardship)

  • Location: Zoom

  • Pre-registration required


The Fires of Transformation: A Summer Solstice Gathering

saturday, June 19, 2021

Please join me Saturday, June 19th for a virtual gathering celebrating the Summer Solstice! The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, when our Sun reaches its peak expression. This turn of the seasonal wheel invites us into the solar gifts of transformation, power and joy. Guided by the element of Fire, we will be exploring the cardinal direction of the South, and the teachings that it offers. This event includes a robust opening prayer/meditation, a seasonal wheel teaching, a Shamanic journey, and a ritual teaching where you will learn how to empower yourself and transmute “baggage” into useable energy with Fire. Please see the details below and email me at with any questions.

  • Saturday, June 19: 2 pm - 3:30 pm Pacific Time

  • Cost: $30 ($15 for those experiencing financial hardship)

  • Location: Zoom

  • Pre-registration required

Balanced Reciprocity: A Lughnasadh Gathering

August 1, 2021

Please join me Sunday, August 1 for a virtual gathering to celebrate the Celtic cross quarter holiday of Lughnasadh. Lughnasadh marks the midway point between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. This particular turn of the seasonal wheel invites us into the spirit of gratitude and abundance as we harvest the literal and metaphorical fruits of our labor. It is a time of reciprocity as we generously give and receive within our communities and relationships. This event includes a robust opening prayer, a seasonal wheel teaching, a journey/meditation and a ritual teaching. Please see the details below and email me at with any questions.

  • Sunday, August 1: 2 pm - 3:30 pm Pacific Time

  • Cost: $30 ($15 for those experiencing financial hardship)

  • Location: Zoom

  • Link provided 24 hours prior to event


The Life Force That Is You: A Beltane Gathering

sunday, May 2, 2021

Please join me for a virtual gathering to celebrate the Celtic cross-quarter holiday of Beltane! Beltane falls between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. This particular turn of the seasonal wheel provides an opportunity for us to tap into our creativity; to connect with joy and with life, both inside us and all around us. It is a time to connect with others and take action steps toward manifesting our desires. This event includes a robust opening prayer/meditation, a seasonal wheel teaching (including aligning plant and an animal allies to connect with at this time), a Shamanic journey (no previous experience required), and a ritual teaching for you to incorporate into your personal practice. Please see the details below and email me at with any questions.

  • Sunday, May 2nd: 2 pm - 3:30 pm Pacific Time

  • Cost: $30 ($15 for those experiencing financial hardship)

  • Location: Zoom

  • Registration is now closed.

Visioning the Future: A Spring Equinox Gathering

MARCH 21, 2021

Please join me for a virtual gathering to celebrate the Spring Equinox! The Spring Equinox (also known the Vernal Equinox) is a time where the earth experiences a fleeting moment of balance; of equal parts light and dark. Soon, as Springtime progresses, the Sun will warm and lengthen our days, bringing strength and power to our creative projects and life plans. This particular turn of the seasonal wheel invites us to pause before we leap joyfully into action, so let’s get crystal clear about what we are calling in! This event includes an opening prayer/meditation, seasonal wheel teaching, Shamanic journey and ritual teaching for you to incorporate into your personal practice.

  • Sunday, March 21: 2 pm - 3:30 pm Pacific Time

  • Cost: $30 (or $15 for those experiencing financial hardship)

  • Location: Zoom

  • Registration is now closed


Dream Seeds: An Imbolc Gathering

January 31, 2021

Please join me for a virtual gathering to celebrate the Celtic cross-quarter holiday of Imbolc! Imbolc falls between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. This particular turn of the seasonal wheel provides an opportunity for us to tap into our dreaming; to excavate a seed of inspiration that will bridge us from the restorative times of Winter into the creative expression of Spring. This event includes a robust opening prayer/meditation, a seasonal wheel teaching (including aligning plant and an animal allies to connect with at this time), a Shamanic journey (no previous experience required), and a ritual teaching for you to incorporate into your personal practice. Please see the details below and email me at with any questions.

  • Sunday, January 31: 2 pm - 3:30 pm Pacific Time

  • Cost: $30 (or $15 for those experiencing financial hardship)

  • Location: Zoom (link provided upon registration)

  • Registration is now closed