
What are you offering the world? For me, there is a tendency to say "not yet" and "I'll address that tomorrow". My tendency is to procrastinate and minimize my own capacity to contribute in powerful ways to the up-leveling of the collective consciousness.
That option of procrastination is dying fast to make room for what wants to grow and be shared.
You are needed. Your gifts are needed. The time to brush cobwebs off of dreams-on-hold is upon us.
We are being called to wake up from the illusion of hamster-wheel living. We wake up by turning away from that which drains us and turning toward that which lights us up. We do this by saying yes to the long forgotten call of our own heart. We do this by looking inside with courage, no matter what we might find there.
By knowing our hearts, we know our gifts. By knowing our gifts, we know what to offer the world. By sending our offerings into the world, we do what we came to this life to do. We fulfill our spiritual contracts and experience soul-level expansion.

Saoirse Mejia