Trainings, Mentorship and In-Depth Study

You can learn from me by signing up for one of my trainings, mentoships or in-depth studies. As of July 2020, I am switching over to virtual studies, until further notice. Learning virtually is easy and convenient. It allows me to keep your cost down and also us with an opportunity to connect with people all over the world, bringing more diversity and overall fun to our time together!

I’m currently only offering Seasonal Wheel Workshops and will be releasing a Seasonal Wheel Mentorship in 2022.

Please see the events page for a current list of offerings.

Group Circles and Ceremony

I offer both in-person as well as live virtual circles, meditations, celebrations and ceremonies. Please see the events page for a current list of group offerings.

You may also request a group circle or ceremony for your own private group or celebration. Breathwork Meditations, Drum Journeys, Cacao Ceremonies, ‘Healing the Heartspace’ Women’s Circles, Wheel of the Year Celebrations, Restorative Yoga and transitional ceremonial work are popular requests, and I will also create a custom event to meet your groups specific needs.

What is ceremony?

Ceremony is an intentional, sacred experience that creates a bridge between the seen and unseen realms. There are many reasons why one might perform ceremonial work, some of which include honoring life changes, welcoming in new cycles, seasonal celebration, ancestral and land healing, as well as amplifying prayer. Ceremony can be simple or it can be quite intricate. Most importantly, ceremony brings us into presence, right relationship and reciprocity with life and sets the stage for transformation to occur.

What is a Drum journey?

The Drum Journey is a method that helps us receive direct revelation from our own Higher Wisdom. Typically a monotonous drumbeat is used to bring us into an altered state of consciousness in order to connect with the unseen realm. In this space we can recieve guidance, healing, connection and generally shift our perception by “seeing through the eyes of the heart”. It is a powerful technology that is accessible to everyone - you do not have to be psychic or even particularly intuitive to be a successful journeyer.
