Ceremonial Cacao

Group Journey:

Public group Cacao journeys are offered on a regular basis - check the events page for upcoming dates or contact me directly about holding a gathering in your space. Cost ranges from $15 - $85 per person, depending upon location. 

Keith’s 100% Pure ceremonial Grade cacao:

Cacao is a heart-opening tree medicine and healing facilitator. Many folks ask me where they can find the good stuff - THIS is the good stuff! She is pure, comes from a highly respectable and trusted source in Guatemala. I am incredibly honored to be one of Keith Wilson’s Cacao Practitioners.

From Keith’s Cacao website: Keith’s Cacao is “sourced from non-hybridized and non-plantation under-story trees in ancient tropical rainforests, then processed in the old way by hand toasting and peeling. These beans, also referred to as criollo, are the original heirloom variety that has been grown and propagated for millennia in central and South America. There are several other varieties of commercially grown and hybridized cacao called Forestero, Trinitario and Arriba Nacional which we do not recommend for ceremonial use.” (https://www.keithscacao.com/apps/help-center#!what-makes-keiths-cacao-ceremonial-grade). Order directly from Keith’s website and enjoy a 5% discount when you either:

 Copy and paste this link into your browser: http://www.keithscacao.com/discount/mejia18us63


Plug in discount code mejia18us63 at checkout when you place your order at http://keithscacao.com/
