Energies of March, 2021


There are infinite possible futures available to us right now. Soon we will begin choosing which one we want. The guidance came in strong this month; please read on and share this information with others if that feels right.

The three primary themes of March are:
~ Coming back to balance when we get thrown off center
~ Cultivating inner peace
~ Tying up loose ends

Potential challenges this month include:
~ Difficult truths revealed
~ Refusing to accept what is so
~ Refusing to see our part

Antidotes/Solutions offered this month:
~ Taking responsibility of our well-being
~ Connecting to the Earth as our greatest teacher
~ Gathering treasures from the dark

Our planet is preparing to embody a fleeting moment of balance on the Spring Equinox; of equal parts light and dark. This is very well-timed for us, as we are preparing to choose what kind of future we want for ourselves and for future generations. As always, it is best that we make big decisions from a place of balance, and not when we are reactionary and fearful. Whenever we experience intense foundational shifts in the field, the natural tendency is to get knocked OFF balance. We can harness the primary gift off the Equinox and practice finding our center again and again. Getting knocked off really isn’t the problem - it’s getting so derailed that we can’t bring ourselves BACK to balance that is the problem.

I am reminded of a concept that I first heard shared by Buddhist Meditation teacher Tara Brach. She speaks of meditation like a wheel, with a hub at the center and many spokes that constantly shoot off, pulling us away from the hub/center. She speaks of two states of being during meditation: “being here” and “coming back”. This is a great analogy in finding balance amidst chaos as well. The goal is to stay in our center, but it is inevitable that we will get thrown off. Once we are aware that we are on the outer rim of the wheel, we simply practice “coming back”. There is a lot of compassion in that analogy and I use it often. Staying balanced, like meditation, is a practice. And with the Earth finding it’s own state of balance, we too will find ours.

Consider this month that you can actually choose to weave more peaceful, calm energy into your day. Taking a digital detox is a very effective way to cultivate a sense of inner peace. We can’t empty out and make good decisions when we are constantly filling our brains with the opinions of others. We must first STOP the flow of incoming information. A digital detox achieves this! Give your eyes a break from screens. If something happens out there in the world that you need to know about, the information will make its way to you somehow. Don't worry about missing out. Spend the time you would normally be glued to a device in other ways - read a book just for the fun of it, make a fancy dinner, go on walks, make love, soak up the sunshine, do something you love. Peace flows downhill - when the mind is calm and settled, the heart will be calm and settled too.

We are being invited to remember that we are sovereign beings, free to make choices for ourselves based on our own listening. When you connect to the power and light within, what do you see? When the “still, small voice” in you speaks, what does it say? There is a lot happening in our bodies as the consciousness of the planet continues to rise. Your body knows what it needs and doesn’t need, so LISTEN to it religiously, and trust it. When we listen in this way, the body-wisdom can communicate clearly to the mind, and the mind can make better choices in turn.

March is a good month to tie up loose ends without delay. If you use your masculine, Yang energy for anything this month, let it be for this! You will be rewarded heavily in the coming year by handling unfinished business NOW. Continuing to put important things off will undoubtedly create an energetic drag as the year progresses. Make a list of all the important things that are hanging out there. Put them in order of priority, and then move down the list, tackling one thing at a time. Get help if you can; pay a professional, delegate. You may find that some items on your list aren’t necessary anymore, and can be discarded completely. All stagnant energy needs to move, to find it’s way to completion, so that we are better prepared for the future and what it will ask of us.

Speaking of being prepared - part of tying up loose ends for some of us may include getting emergency-prepared. We have become so far removed from living in close relationship to the land, and with the skills needed to survive without the systems and structures that we rely so heavily on in the modern world. Start simple with the basics for two weeks - consider food, water, shelter, warmth, and sanitation needs. When I was young I listened to a band called “Texas is the Reason”. Let the recent disaster that Texas experienced be the reason that you finally get that emergency preparedness kit together! When we are set up well, we can rest a bit easier knowing that we could care for our family and be an asset to our community if an event hit our area.

This is not a time for doing things the way we’ve always done them in the past. Soon we will be called to innovate in exciting new ways. We can meet the challenges we currently face with grace, love, and a whole lot of compassion for ourselves and others.

Much Love,

If you would like to learn more about how to harness the energies of the Spring Equinox, please check out my upcoming virtual event called Visioning the Future: A Spring Equinox Gathering, where we will do just that.

Saoirse Mejia